Buff Tailed Coronet [TOP100]
Hummingbirds flap wings around at a rate of 50 time per second. They feed on nectar from the flowers. Image of this biff tailed coronet was clicked in Ecuador. Ecuador is filled with rain forests and cloud forests, which make it very conducive for the hummingbirds to make a habitat. To freeze these birds in flight I had to use the multi flash set up, When we landed in Guango lodge in Pappllacta, Ecuador we were surrounded by humming birds ,we had quicklyset up our multi flash units and started clicking the hummingbirds, this was the dream shot i was looking for and got it after clicking for few hours and few hundreds of attempts
Mom and Me..
The young cub who was running around, turned to nudge his mother when she growled. The back lighting made this image very interesting. It gave the rim light effect on both the lioness and the cub. Picture clicked at Maasai Mara game reserve. Exif Data- 3000*2000 Canon EOS 1DX RGB ProPhoto RGB 500MM F7.1 Exposure +3 Exposure time- 1/8000 2.2MB on disk
Cheetah's twist to Kill
This was also taken in Masai Mara. We were following a mother and her two sub-adult cubs through the savannah as they tried to hunt unsuccessfully then rested and walked and walked till we came upon a herd of Impala grazing in some tall grass. We were the only vehicle there and positioned ourselves. After a wait for more than an hour, all hell broke loose and this mother Cheetah took down this female Impala right in front of us.
Family moments
A lovely moment from the Marsh pride, Savuti reserve,Botswana.The adult male is pride male. This pride is very large and strong. A very challenging pride to the Savuti pride. They are also known to get down elephants often. There is a lion in this pride named as "Short tail" who used to chase humans. The image conveys a family moment on a fine morning when they were trying to settle down in a shade..
Identify Me
This photograph was taken when I was on the morning stroll for a birding. Suddenly my friend called me and told me that the little guy you are looking for is came outside. Immediately I ran away to his place. He almost sat there for 2 hours and give us a spectacular moments of a lifetime.
Nature in its rawest forms
An one day Old Giraffe calf getting hunted down by a hungry Lioness in front of the poor Mother Giraffe
Srikanth Santhinathan, India, Coimbatore
While photographing a herd of wildebeest crossing the Mara River in the Masai Mara, I noticed that several wildebeest were taking a more precarious route that required a vertical leap down a crumbling cliff face. These two individuals leaped down at the same moment from different sides and descended as one amidst a cloud of dust and dirt.
King and beests
Masaimara. Near Mara river crossing.The predator was closely watched by the prey as if they think it's always wise to keep your enemies or threats in your vicinity.This Lion named HUNTER, one of the Musketeers, appeared from nowhere.This moment the wildebeests in line, moving towards river crossing, just became aware of his presence & turned their head watching his moves closely..
The Supper!
The image was captured at Someshwar lake, Dharwad, about 20 km away from Hubli, I had visited the location to capture the images of Crakes and other birds While I was looking out for the birds, I spotted some movement in the water and instantly knew it was a snake…. took a few record shots and rushed cautiously to get a closer look and found that the snake had hunted down an unusually large fish! I was thrilled that it was a very rare sighting… I tried to keep cool and crouched low on the shore. The snake started moving towards the shore in front and to my right and even got on to the land. Then the snake decided to get back into the water and started swimming head on, towards me with the head high up , holding the prey…… I got my prize shots and the snake came well within the minimum focusing distance of my lens(3.5M). And kept coming towards me…. I got a little anxious and decided to back off. The snake noticed my movement and changed course, to get away from me. I left the spot , in excitement! It was an exhilarating experience! Initially I was thrilled to have spotted a snake, which turned into tremendous excitement on seeing the catch! But when the snake started swimming towards me, head on…I got anxious … I felt that the snake was taking the prize-catch home for supper!
Hard workers
These men doing the river cleaning work by collecting the soil from the middle part of the river Ganga. This soil also needed by many sculpture artists to create traditional and modern sculptures at kumartuli and various other parts of Kolkata.I took this shot at Kumartuli Ganga Ghat. Exif data- Aperture- f/5.6 Shutter speed- 1/250s ISO- 500 Exposure Comp - 0EV
Elegant Raptor with Kill
Osprey is one of skilled raptor in the planet Earth. It is excellent capability to dive, grab and lift the fishes from the waterbodies. The photograph was clicked in the Damodar River of Barddhaman, West Bengal, India in the month of November 2018.
SANDIPAN GHOSH, India, Barddhaman
The notion of innocence refers to children's simplicity, their lack of knowledge, and their purity not yet spoiled by mundane affairs. Such innocence is taken as the promise of a renewal of the world by the children. I photograph all types of children are my very favorite subjects to work with. I love their innocent nature, genuine expressions, sparkling eyes full of life, and the endless possibilities and dreams their futures hold. By combining beautiful natural light, a truthful connection, and a glimpse into the soul, even the most ordinary scene can be transformed into something magical. I’d love to share with you some of my tried and true tips for creating stunning portraits of children.
Dancing Floor
PeThis photo is captured in Ranthambore National Park Rajasthan India it is one of the amazing parks I have visited till now I regularly visit this place it is one of my favourite place in India it is an Tiger Reserve Park.Usually in the month of June peacocks display themselves to attract the females. From last 10 to 15 minutes I was clicking peacocks photos and 2 Sloth bears where crossing the road suddenly people started shouting Sloth bear Sloth bear and first one just ran away but l the second one came out of curiosity he stood there and started looking at people at the same time the peacocks where displaying to attract the female luckily Sloth bear came in front of the peacock when he was displaying and I quickly captured that moment it was just an magical moment for mekak-slot bar
Baiju Patil, India, aurangabad
The Glacial Climb
This was taken during my glacier hike to Vatnajökull National Park. Hiking through the blue glacier fields, filled with dangerous crevices all along was pretty adventurous. This is a part of Svínafellsjökull Glacier. This was my guide, Rosa when she was giving us a demo of how to do the ice climbing. The best part is she is around 63 years and fit enough to hike and trek through toughest terrains of Iceland. Her husband is also a tour guide and has written 4 books on Iceland and Viking History.
Devotiona Festivals, Devotional fellowship,Golden Festivals
India is a religious country. Here some old traditions have been running for years. There are plenty of Yatras,Urus, and Jallosh celebrations especially during the new moon and full moon. I clicked this at the time of Mahalingraj Yatra in Huljunti, Maharashtra. There are a large number of devotees from Karnataka and Maharashtra. So far, God has not seen anyone, but he can experience it through the name 'Dev', the people who are here and experience it only and only in India.
Purple Heron Catch the snake
Camera:NIKON D7200 F-stop:f/5.6 Exp:1/1250 sec. ISO:ISO-500 Exposure:AP Location:Manglajodi,Orissa Date:09/01/2018
Bimal Bhaskar, India, Raghunathganj
Hungry Bird
It is called Blue Tailed Bee eater with a big catch. not a shy bird as it allow me to take such a close shot. I take this pic with my Nikon Gears. Exif- F- 7.1, ISO-800, Exp- 1/800.
SAIKAT, India, Bishnupur, Bankura, West Bengal
A toss of death or survival
This picture was taken at Keoladeo Natonal Park, Bharatpur, Rajashthan. Darters are known as expert at fishing. But looking at this picture, it looks as if the fish is becoming the darter’s food on its own which was a great moment to capture in the camera.
Ritesh Pendse, India, Aurangabad
The Ritual of Tarpana
Tarpana is a term in the Vedic practice which refers to an offering made to divine entities. It is believed that one’s ancestors will be eagerly awaiting for tarpana on all the above-mentioned occasions. If no offering is made, they will return to their places disappointed, and the descendant misses their blessings which he would have received, if he had performed his filial duties. The Hindu community strongly believes in carrying out these rituals on the auspicious day of Mahalaya.
My best friend !
This click is the beautiful moment that is captured for lifetime. This was the first introduction of my daughter to a puppy and vice versa. Both are at a very playful age. Puppy started pulling my daughter's skirt and she was giggling. A moment to remember. I was lucky that I could capture this pic on perfect timing. Unplanned pictures telling a story are the most beautiful pictures and here I present one for your eyes to cherish !!
Eye For An Eye
A Jackals teritorry is aggressively defended against a trespasser. In most jackal fights the amount of damage is trivial considering the blood chilling growls and snapping of wicked fangs that precede the actual start of the fight. The fighting is largely ritualized, all-out combat with intent to kill is rare, mainly because losers can cut off aggression by surrendering. Fighting between jackals is generally over status and ends when once dominance is conceded.
The Mist...
It was a brilliant foggy morning at Bharatpur during my recent trip . Walking lanes were almost invisible due to heavy fog. I had to wait an hour for live moment to happen with in view finder. After sometime i was able to spot a Sambar deer, but not visible enough due to fog. At this point, i got my canvas with other subsidiary subject but not the desired one for my frame. Eventually, a male deer appeared and stopped for a second. I just waited for the right moment & composed them together.
Jallikattu is a traditional spectacle in which a bull (Bos indicus), such as the Pulikulam or Kangayam breeds, is released into a crowd of people, and multiple human participants attempt to grab the large hump on the bull's back with both arms and hang on to it while the bull attempts to escape. Participants hold the hump for as long as possible, attempting to bring the bull to a stop. In some cases, participants must ride long enough to remove flags on the bull's horns
Hand of Mortal
The Title is inspired from the famous and controversial Maradonnas 'Hand of God' which lead to the famous World cup victory. This photograph was taken at a tea stall when the owner asked one of his employee (who was preparing dough) to add dry cowdung to the fire to prepare tea. The feel of the image lead to an imaginative perception of Gods hand extending towards Earth
THE FLORICAN " is large bird in the bustard family . it is endemic to the Indian Subcontinent where it found in tall Grassland and is best known for the leaping breeding displays made by the males during monsoon season . The species is highly endangered and has been extirpated in some parts.
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35AWARDS 2018!