Where the muddy river meets the ocean [TOP100]
The first rains of the year make the rivers start flowing again, bringing to the ocean the mud and trash from the mountains. The water is then clear separated in two: the brownish muddy river water and the deep blue ocean water. The fishes are attracted and get closer to the shore. And where there is fish, there are fishermen.
Powerful Dettifoss
In a race against time so that we could still catch some colours of the sunset, it seemed that the 15km off-road had no end. It was a race against the clock praying that our van could withstand some of the most difficult roads we have been through. Arrived at the place and running until the last minute, it's overwhelming the power that emanates from this cascade, the 100 meters length and the 44 meters height, impose some respect and impress anyone. Still, with my heart beating, I had literally 2 min to choose the best place and take this photo.
Las Luminarias
"Las Luminarias" a religious event in Avila, Spain, Jan 2018.
Bruno Ismael Silva Alves, Portugal, Santo Tirso
Rua Augusta
A Rua Augusta é uma famosa rua da baixa de Lisboa, em Portugal, que começando no famoso arco triunfal, liga a Praça do Comércio, à Praça do Rossio. Homenageia a Augusta figura do rei D. José I. Tem elevada concentração de comércio, já que toda a rua é ladeada por diversas lojas, muitas delas de grandes marcas internacionais. Está desde os finais dos anos 80 fechada ao trânsito e é frequentemente ocupada por artistas de rua, artesãos e vendedores ambulantes.
Prague Sunrise
In Prague you will need to wake up before sunrise to be able to photograph the beautiful old bridge without it's thousands of tourists! This photo in particular was taken at 6am at -13degrees, it was totally worth it , and still there were a few of us shooting there.
Jose Francisco Cunha Goncalves, Portugal
"Don't hide it"
A portrait I took of my grandmother, she let herself laugh because she thought it was funny that she had not been photographed in more than 60 years, and I thought it was a magical moment to be photographed.
Raul, Portugal, Linda a Velha
Home is where our heart is
This photos has been taken at Fanal, Madeira Islands - Portugal. The sessions on starry nights give us fantastic moments. Apart from the superb view, the conviviality, the surrounding sounds - we had frogs making sounds on this night and that was fabulous -, we are allowed to do the mental hygiene. Photography for me is mostly that! When I was preparing for the photo and looking at the immensity of the sky, the portent that imposes and some moment I felt that my galactic insignificance increase, I found myself thinking about the places we call Home... Not just the one where we live physically but those where we are a perfect piece in a puzzle and it may well be a group of friends, it can be in our workplace or even the heart of someone. It was a fantastic night! Yes it was!
Feeling the nature
The arrival of alpine team at Aiguille du Midi near by Mont Blanc.
Carlos Ramos, Portugal, Mondim de Basto
Desloquei-me a este lugar a esta hora do dia para fotografar as sombras desta passagem desenhadas no chão. Ao passar este senhor de bicicleta ,foi a cereja no topo do bolo.
Orlando Joaquim Bernardo, Portugal
Segredos da pesca
Pesca artesanal no Lago Inle, Myanmar, feita com rede manuseada quase exclusivamente com apenas um pé do pescador, enquanto o outro se mantém habilidosamente equilibrado na estreita extremidade do pequeno barco.
Francisco Belo, Portugal, Porto Salvo
Wait for her call
The Artist David Fonseca in a Concert in Castelo de Paiva -Portugal
Tiago Coelho, Portugal, Castelo de Paiva
Reflex of the umbrella sky
This photo depicts the street of a city of Aveiro, from its name Agueda. With an innovative idea to cover the streets with umbrellas.
Daniel TimTim, Portugal, Agueda Municipality
hot feet
Summer beach life at Carcavelos beach, Portugal
Joao Figueiredo, Portugal, Sao Domingos de Rana
Queen of the River Sado - Rainha do Rio Sado
Cais Palafítico da Carrasqueira, Alcácer do Sal, Portugal Relevant value assets The Carrasqueira Palafitic Pier is one of the most visited places in the county. This masterpiece of popular architecture, erected in the 50s and 60s, is unique in Europe and is built on irregular, seemingly fragile wooden stakes that serve as mooring piers for the fishing boats that lay there. A tourist point of attraction, the pier continues to fulfill the mission for which it was built: to allow fishermen access to boats, even during low tide.
Street rage
I need your vote! this story needs to be told. The next Image planned to be part of my first book, "We are the government" -Morocco, important work who shows to the world how dictated, oppressed society really looks and feels like. summary of the project: They say: Morocco is controlled by a stable and liberal regime, The photographs of the majesty are all over and the king's palaces are everywhere, quite often you will hear the combination "the god, the king, the nation". I arrived to Morocco in order to capture colors and pure exotic beauty. But somehow, day by day my viewfinder naturally became darker, By observing the street's anger, the rage I found myself present into historical times. In order to maintain the status quo's power, the citizen is becoming naked as the day he was born. The question about the king's power starts to Hatches, so up there they taking the remote control and drastically lowering the volume. Control. control the main light streams, knowledge and movement Blowing the balloon by an illness pain. In my project, you'll be witness to how society looks like right before the seeds of a real social revolution starts to grow... We say: The citizen can't take it anymore! He started to look around in 2011, to doubt on his own bubble. They act: making him forget that he is the king, he is the government, in reality the citizen exists, they don’t. The man can control his own life, but fear is constantly breaking his spirit, limiting his options, forcing him to stop asking questions. why? for a while I Immersed into the Moroccan melting pot, I understood how fear can separate us from our potential, making us follow the wrong herd. But can this monolog survive in our globalization\ social media times? The world has changed, the young generation has moved, they want more! I could feel their pain. Over here you are evident to see how society in a mental and educational crisis feels like. me and you, WE are just bystanders. "Change will come" it's more than just a slogan, it is a social demand to move to "The god, the Nation, the People". Along the care to my brothers in Morocco, I want to show you, probably a westerner, how a suppressed dictated society looks like. cause in 2019 WE are going back to the extreme of one voice for all.
Mother and Kid
Roça Santa Margarida is so small that it's not on any maps. It has a small scale cocoa production, a few houses and this disused chapel where this mother and her kid took refuge from the rain outside. The scene spoke to me because of the relationship with the goat's long-association with the devil and the crucifix in the background. Taken in São Tomé, 2018
Sky Full of Dreams II
This afternoon I did not feel particularly inspired to photograph, but even so I decided to leave the house to look for a place I had never been before. It was cold and windy. I finally met a man who was driving a Drone. He was picking up some really amazing pictures of horses on the other side of the water. We talked about the various technologies that are within our reach these days to capture the most varied moments. That conversation gave me the inspiration that drew my attention to a composition that had not hitherto occurred to me. The intensification of the cold caused Mr. Luis to leave. I decided to stay until sunset. An operator of the Tourist Boats in the area, revealed to me that the last couple who had taken the river trip had made a request for marriage. And that she said yes! I was surprised by the colors, which seemed to have been painted in the sky, to serve as a backdrop for my inspiration and for the happy couple. It could not have been better the end of this day!
Farol de Felgueira
O Farol de Felgueiras, na margem direita do Rio Douro, é um farol Português que se localiza na na ponta do molhe de mesmo nome, na freguesia da Foz do Douro, Cidade do Porto. Trata-se de uma torre hexagonal em alvenaria de granito aparente, com dez metros de altura. Possui varandim e lanterna vermelhos, e um pequeno edifício anexo com paredes rebocadas e pintadas de branco. A designação 'Molhe de Felgueiras' foi-lhe atribuída por ter sido construído em direcção à pedra de Felgueiras, que lhe fica fronteira a Oeste. Antes da sua desactivação, o farolim tinha um alcance de 9 milhas náuticas, emitindo um relâmpago vermelho a cada 5 segundos .
Narciso Antonio Sousa Rocha, Portugal, Vila Nova de Gaia
hidden fox
on a spring day, by the river, a fox hid from the people who passed by
Elsa Félix, Portugal, Vila Real de Santo Antonio
35AWARDS 2018!