Street rage
I need your vote!
this story needs to be told.
The next Image planned to be part of my first book,
"We are the government" -Morocco, important work who shows to the world how dictated, oppressed society really looks and feels like.
summary of the project:
They say:
Morocco is controlled by a stable and liberal regime,
The photographs of the majesty are all over and the king's palaces are everywhere,
quite often you will hear the combination "the god, the king, the nation".
I arrived to Morocco in order to capture colors and pure exotic beauty.
But somehow, day by day my viewfinder naturally became darker,
By observing the street's anger, the rage I found myself present into historical times.
In order to maintain the status quo's power, the citizen is becoming naked as the day he was born.
The question about the king's power starts to Hatches, so up there they taking the remote control
and drastically lowering the volume.
Control. control the main light streams, knowledge and movement Blowing the balloon by an illness pain.
In my project, you'll be witness to how society looks like right before the seeds of a real social revolution starts to grow...
We say:
The citizen can't take it anymore!
He started to look around in 2011, to doubt on his own bubble.
They act:
making him forget that he is the king, he is the government, in reality the citizen exists, they don’t.
The man can control his own life, but fear is constantly breaking his spirit, limiting his options,
forcing him to stop asking questions. why?
for a while I Immersed into the Moroccan melting pot,
I understood how fear can separate us from our potential, making us follow the wrong herd.
But can this monolog survive in our globalization\ social media times?
The world has changed, the young generation has moved,
they want more!
I could feel their pain.
Over here you are evident to see how society in a mental and educational crisis feels like.
me and you, WE are just bystanders.
"Change will come" it's more than just a slogan,
it is a social demand to move to "The god, the Nation, the People".
Along the care to my brothers in Morocco, I want to show you,
probably a westerner, how a suppressed dictated society looks like.
cause in 2019 WE are going back to the extreme of one voice for all.
itay peleg, Portugal, Porto