This is capture i got while i was capturing a common kingfisher fishing moment.but after spending 3 to 4 hours with it i was unable to got the click i wanted..But then suddenly i spotted a crested kingfisher there who used to play with the common kingfisher. I captured this fun moment in my lens while they were busy in themsselves and then the result is here. These species not like each other's company
Am going to the bird photography early in morning .I see the peregrine falcon fly in the sky and finding his prey . and then i sitting in the ground and waiting for the bird.. Then some time ago they sit in the branch of a tree and i clicked the picture and then they fly and i also going to watch another bird ...
i am going to bird photography in rishikesh forest minimum 30 minute later i see the falcon shitting in the brance of a tree then i click many picture but this one is more beautiful .peregrine falcon is fastes bird in the earth .. in sky they are very dangures for other birds speed while they drive in air is 320 km/pr
- Рейтинг фотографов по странам и городам строится на основе 3-х лучших фотографий автора и их относительной позиции в каждой отдельной номинации. Рейтинг в номинации "Мобильная фотография" учитывается в меньшей степени для формирования рейтинга. В списке показывается одна фотография автора с лучшим рейтингом.
- В списке опубликованы только работы которые прошли 2-й этап голосования.
- The rating of photographers by countries and cities is based on the three best photos of the author and their relative position in each separate nomination. Rating in the nomination "Mobile Photography" is taken into account to a lesser extent for rating formation. The list shows one photo of the author with the best rating.
- Only those photos have been published in the list that passed the second stage of voting.