These two birds were practically jumping for joy after they made this quick getaway.
They leapt to flight when a hungry Golden Jackal went after them in a snowy ambush.
It was a close shave for the lucky birds with the jackal only feet behind them as they took off.
“I was glad just to be able to photograph a jackal.
“But suddenly he rushed towards the magpies. These birds are not the usual prey for the jackals and I am pretty sure the jackal was not going to chase them.
“I just had a feeling that the magpies provoked the jackal for some reason. I would say the magpies just made the jackal mad just with their presence.
“And he looked really angry. There was a moment when it seemed the jackal would grasp the bird – but the birds are quite fast and cautious and this time they were lucky enough to escape
“I am fond of wildlife photography and this was a usual shooting – I was lucky to see a golden jackal and actually I did not expect any action shots.
“And the jackal relaxed just after the birds disappeared from his sight.
“Of course I feel happy I saw this action and have been able to photograph and make some descent shots.”
- Рейтинг фотографов по странам и городам строится на основе 3-х лучших фотографий автора и их относительной позиции в каждой отдельной номинации. Рейтинг в номинации "Мобильная фотография" учитывается в меньшей степени для формирования рейтинга. В списке показывается одна фотография автора с лучшим рейтингом.
- В списке опубликованы только работы которые прошли 2-й этап голосования.
- The rating of photographers by countries and cities is based on the three best photos of the author and their relative position in each separate nomination. Rating in the nomination "Mobile Photography" is taken into account to a lesser extent for rating formation. The list shows one photo of the author with the best rating.
- Only those photos have been published in the list that passed the second stage of voting.