Presentation of the collective of artists CIA Fankama Obi. They perform regularly on the streets of São Paulo, Brazil, and spread the musical culture of West Africa.
My father and I went out to go to the place and during the day the weather changed drastically, as we don't take coats we had to improvise a blanket with a canvas that we found on the street.
Deixe-me ir
Preciso andar
Vou por aí a procurar
Sorrir pra não chorar
Quero assistir ao sol nascer
Ver as águas dos rios correr
Ouvir os pássaros cantar
Eu quero nascer
Quero viver
Santos - Brazil. Despite all the architectural beauty of the historical center of the city, we can notice the disrespect of the city hall when modernizing the place.
Freedom calls - in a period where the individual freedom is menaced by governs and groups this image invite people to reflect about the refugees from several countries where war or dictators wants to deny them to be free.
- Рейтинг фотографов по странам и городам строится на основе 3-х лучших фотографий автора и их относительной позиции в каждой отдельной номинации. Рейтинг в номинации "Мобильная фотография" учитывается в меньшей степени для формирования рейтинга. В списке показывается одна фотография автора с лучшим рейтингом.
- В списке опубликованы только работы которые прошли 2-й этап голосования.
- The rating of photographers by countries and cities is based on the three best photos of the author and their relative position in each separate nomination. Rating in the nomination "Mobile Photography" is taken into account to a lesser extent for rating formation. The list shows one photo of the author with the best rating.
- Only those photos have been published in the list that passed the second stage of voting.